31 October 2008


KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 31 - Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad today suggested the government removed the 30 sen subsidy on fuel prices if the pump price goes below RM1.92 a litre.
He said this was based on the declining trend of global crude oil prices which have averaged at US$76.44 per barrel. Shahrir said the subsidy could be utilised for other economic development projects for the betterment of the people.
"The government has spent up to RM16.8 billion just on fuel subsidy and RM2.5 billion on rebates for motorists and motorcyclists. All that means from January to December, we'll be spending about RM19 to RM20 billion," he told reporters after the Umno supreme council meeting.
"If we can save some money on subsidy, that savings will be spent to tackle the issue of economic growth," he said.
Shahrir said there would be a time when fuel price will slide to RM1.92 a litre from RM2.70 per litre set in June.
"And this is going to happen because as we can see, the (downward) trend in the price is happening. So, for November it may be in the range of US$60, below US$70.
"That means the price of petrol at retail level will quite likely go back to RM1.92 if the trend continues," he added. - Bernama

BOMB SCARE AT UMNO HQ - malaysiakini

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 31 - The Umno headquarters today received an anonymous call claiming that a bomb was placed outside the building.
A bomb disposal unit from the Police force was later summoned around 5 pm to inspect a gunny sack believed to contain the explosive.
About a dozen policemen were seen outside the Putra World Trade Centre. The police later cordoned off the area and barred the public from approaching the scene.The supreme council meeting which started at 3pm however continued uninterrupted. There was also no order to evacuate the building from the authorities.
A police officer met outside the building confirmed that "it was a prank."
It is still unclear whether the action by the caller was politically motivated. -- TMI


SHAH ALAM: Dr. Shaariibuu Setev, bapa wanita Mongolia Altantuya Shaariibuu, kecewa dengan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi yang membebaskan penganalisis Abdul Razak Abdullah Baginda daripada pertuduhan bersubahat membunuh anaknya.
Bagaimanapun, Shaariibuu berkata beliau dan anggota keluarganya menerima keputusan berkenaan kerana hakim, yang membuat keputusan itu, telah mempertimbangkan semua alasan dan keterangan yang dikemukakan kepada mahkamah.
Beliau turut bertanya mengapa Abdul Razak, yang mengenali anak perempuannya dibebaskan tetapi dua anggota polis yang tidak dikenali anaknya, diperintah membela diri.
Ditanya wartawan sama ada beliau menjangkakan Abdul Razak akan dibebaskan, Shaariibuu berkata beliau sangat kesal dengan nasib yang menimpa anaknya dan menyangka anaknya akan mendapat keadilan di Malaysia.
Mengenai sama ada keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi itu akan memberi kesan kepada sistem kehakiman di Malaysia, beliau berkata dunia mengikuti perkembangan kes anaknya dan beliau percaya keputusan itu, sedikit sebanyak, akan memberi kesan kepada kehakiman Malaysia.
Shaariibuu berkata, beliau enggan mengulas banyak mengenai keputusan berkenaan kerana tidak mahu campur tangan dalam kehakiman Malaysia, tetapi akan berunding dengan peguamnya berhubung tindakan selanjutnya.
Beliau bercakap kepada wartawan dalam bahasa Mongolia, yang diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggeris oleh setiusaha kedua Kedutaan Mongolia di Thailand, Siizkhuu Sainbileg.
Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Datuk Mohd Zaki Md Yasin hari ini membebas dan melepaskan Abdul Razak tanpa dipanggil membela diri terhadap pertuduhan bersubahat membunuh wanita Mongolia itu.
Namun dua anggota polis yang menghadapi pertuduhan membunuh Altantuya, diperintah membela diri. Mahkamah menetapkan 10 November ini bagi Cif Inspektor Azilah Hadri, 32, dan Koperal Sirul Azhar Umar, 36, daripada Unit Tindakan Khas (UTK), untuk membela diri.
Azilah dan Sirul Azhar menghadapi pertuduhan membunuh Altantuya, 28, di satu lokasi antara lot 12843 dan lot 16735 di Mukim Bukit Raja di sini antara 10 malam, 19 Oktober dan 1 pagi, 20 Oktober 2006.
Abdul Razak, 48, pengarah eksekutif Pusat Penyelidikan Strategik Malaysia, dituduh bersubahat dalam pembunuhan Altantuya, di Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur antara 9.54 pagi, 18 Oktoberdan 9.45 pagi, 19 Oktober 2006.
Jika sabit kesalahan, tertuduh boleh dikenakan hukuman mati mandatori.
Peguam Karpal Singh, yang menjadi peguam pemerhati bagi keluarga Altantuya, semasa ditanya mengenai tindakan selanjutnya selepas keputusan pembebasan Abdul Razak, berkata, beliau akan menulis surat ke Jabatan Peguam Negara memohon pendakwaan memfailkan rayuan terhadap keputusan itu.
Katanya, pembebasan Abdul Razak belum muktamad kerana pendakwaan boleh memfailkan rayuan di Mahkamah Rayuan dan Mahkamah Persekutuan.
Sementara itu, Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Tun Abdul Majid Tun Hamzah, yang mengetuai barisan pendakwaan, beliau akan berbincang dengan Peguam Negara sama ada mengemukakan rayuan terhadap pembebasan Abdul Razak.
Tun Abdul Majid berkata, pendakwaan akan mempertimbangkan untuk memfailkan rayuan selepas meneliti penghakiman.
"Kami mempunyai 14 hari untuk memfailkan rayuan tetapi kami perlu menunggu arahan Peguam Negara," katanya, sambil menambah kata bahawa pihak pendakwaan telah melaksanakan tugas secara teliti bagi membuktikan kes. -- mStar


Oleh Zulkifli Sulong

OKT 31 — Selepas bertembungan pemikiran dan pandangan hampir setengah tahun berkaitan dengan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat, akhirnya para pimpinan Pas bersatu dalam pandangan mereka. Tahniah kepada semua pihak yang memperkatakan perbezaan permikiran dan pandangan ini secara terbuka. Ia akhirnya diselesaikan oleh pucuk pimpinan Pas.
Ia berlaku dalam mesyuarat Lajnah (biro) Politik Pas yang bersidang selepas bercuti Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. Ia kemudiannya ditaklimatkan kepada semua pimpinan lain termasuklah Jawatankuasa Pas Pusat dan juga para wakil rakyat Pas sejurus selepas itu kata sepakat itu diperolehi.
Retreat Pas 7-9 November ini di Langkawi sepatutnya membincangkan perbezaan pendapat ini dan seterusnya merancang masa depan Pas. Namun, ia selesai sebelum masa retreat. Baguslah.
Harap-harapnya, selepas ini tidak ada lagi suara-suara sumbang dari mana-mana pihak dalam parti Islam itu. Saya yakin jika benar masing-masing bekerja untuk kepentingan Pas, suara-suara sumbang itu tidak akan timbul dalam mana-mana media dan mesyuarat parti lagi. Sama ada yang rasmi atau separa rasmi, semuanya diharap akan akur dengan keputusan kesepakatan ini. Jika tidak, pimpinan Pas kena bertindak untuk kepentingan masa depan parti mereka itu.
Secara peribadi, saya sendiri terlibat dalam hal ini. Setiausaha Politik Presiden Pas, Dr Shamsury telah menghantar satu tulisan memberikan jawapan dan hujjah balik terhadap satu berita yang disiarkan oleh Siasah berdasarkan kenyataan seorang pemimpin Pas. Namun kerana ia agak lewat dihantar, ia belum sempat disiarkan menjelang cuti Raya lalu. Namun, apabila ia mahu disiarkan, Dr Shamsury bertanya balik apakah ianya telah disiarkan. Apabila saya berkata belum, beliau cepat-cepat berkata,"Baguslah, kerana perkara ini telah diselesaikan dengan baik dalam mesyuarat Lajnah Politik semalam (12 Oktober). Jadi tidak perlu lagilah ia disiarkan".
"Baguslah," kata saya yang sememangnya keberatan untuk menyiarkan pertembungan pandangan dan pemikiran ini melalui media yang saya kendalikan iaitu Siasah. Jadi, tidak jadilah Siasah sebagai medan pertempuran idea ini.
Harapan saya juga sama kepada lain-lain media yang berkaitan. Janganlah jadikan media kita sebagai tempat untuk memecahkan tetapi jadilah media yang menyatukan. Sebab itulah apabila kami di Siasah menyiarkan satu fokus khas tentang pertembungan pendapat dan pemikiran ini, tujuan kami satu sahaja iaitu untuk menyatukan. Untuk tujuan ini, perbezaan ini perlu didedahkan dengan cara yang profesional tanpa menyakiti mana-mana pihak. Semoga dengannya, masing-masing mengambil berat hal ini, berbincang secara tulus dan seterusnya menyelesaikan perbezaan ini secara yang matang dan terbuka.
Alhamdulillah, selepas laporan Siasah itu (yang disiarkan menjelang cuti Raya), mesyuarat Lajnah Politik yang berikutnya (selepas Raya) membincangkannya secara serius dan menyelesaikan perbezaan ini.
Sebagaimana diketahui, Pas menghadapi satu tempoh kemelut yang panas di kalangan pimpinan selepas pilihan raya ke 12 lalu dalam menentukan halatujunya. Ia berkait rapat dengan rancangan untuk membentuk kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat di peringkat pusat. Sebahagian pimpinan Pas mahu sepenuhnya bersama Pakatan dan sebahagian lagi tidak berapa senang dengannya. Hasilnya pimpinan Pas berpecah dua mengikut aliran pemikiran ini.
Masing-masing ada hujjah dan pandangan serta sandaran kepada hujjah mereka itu. Kedua-duanya menjadikan Al Quran dan Sunnah RasulNya sebagai sandaran. Yang membimbangkan dengan apa yang berlaku adalah hujjah-hujjah dan tuduhan-tudhan ekstrem yang dikemukakan. Yang pro Pakatan dikatakan menjadi 'alat' kepada pemimpin Pakatan iaitu Datuk Seri Anwar manakala yang menentangnya dikatakan mahu berkongsi kuasa dengan Umno.
Hasil dari dilema yang berlangsung hampir setengah tahun ini menyebabkan ramai pemimpin yang cedera ekoran krisis perbezaan pendapat dan pemikiran ini. Cedera ini adalah dalam ertikata mendapat pandangan serong dari sebahagian ahli yang berbeza pendapat dengan sesetengah pemimpin tertentu itu.
Kesannya adalah muktamar tahunan Pas tahun depan. Ini kerana, dalam muktamar ini nanti akan ada pemilihan pimpinan Pas. Dari presiden, timbalan, naib-naib serta AJK dan juga dewan-dewan dalam Pas.
Memang masanya masih panjang. Namun, jika masa yang ada ini tidak diambil kesempatan untuk memperbetulkan keadaan, ia akan menyukar sesetengah para pimpinan Pas ini. Adalah diharap, masa yang ada ini digunakan sepenuhnya untuk memperbetulkan keadaan dan tidak akan ada mana-mana pihak yang cedera dan tertinggal dalam saf kepimpinan Pas nanti.
Usaha-usaha ini perlu disokong oleh media-media milik parti Islam itu samada yang rasmi atau tidak. Semoga semuanya berjalan baik dan gandingan ulama, profesional dan teknokrat dalam Pas terus kekal dan menjadi faktor penguat kepada Pas dan Islam.
Bagaimanapun, luka-luka masih jelas kelihatan dan saya jangkakan ada yang bakal terkorban ekoran pertembungan pandangan dan pendapat itu.
Adalah diharapkan, para pemimpin berkenaan berbuat sesuatu menjelang muktamar akan datang. Jika tidak diberikan ubat dan dimakan antibiotik yang sesuai, luka ini bakal bernanah dan seterusnya bakal dipotong anggota badannya. Jika berlaku demikian, hilanglah sebahagian anggota dan bakal berlaku kecacatan kekal. Jadi berusahalah sebelum terlambat. -- TMI


KUCHING: Badan Pencegah Rasuah (BPR) sudah selesai menjalankan siasatan kes insiden "mata lebam" Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim semasa dalam tahanan 10 tahun lalu.
Bagaimanapun, Ketua Pengarah BPR, Datuk Seri Ahmad Said Hamdan tidak dapat menyatakan dengan tepat bila siasatan itu selesai.
Kata beliau, kertas siasatan sedang dalam proses penelitian. "Daripada segi siasatan dah selesai tapi sekarang sedang dikaji oleh panel bahagian pendakwaan kita," katanya kepada pemberita selepas menyaksikan majlis serah tugas Pengarah BPR Sarawak yang baru di sini hari ini. Samsiah Abu Bakar yang sebelum ini bertugas di Perak menggantikan Mohamad Yusoff Akope yang ditukarkan ke pejabat BPR di Putrajaya.
Anwar membuat laporan polis awal Julai lalu berhubung insiden tersebut.
Mengenai bila keputusan siasatan tersebut akan diketahui, Ahmad Said berkata, ia terserah kepada panel bahagian pendakwaan untuk menentukan.
Pada 15 Oktober lepas Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz menafikan dakwaan bahawa siasatan kes insiden 'mata lebam' Anwar sudah selesai dan hasil laporan itu mendapati terdapat elemen penyalahgunaan kuasa oleh Peguam Negara Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail.
Mohamed Nazri menjelaskan, siasatan kes itu dijalankan BPR dan bukan oleh Pejabat Peguam Negara seperti yang didakwa anggota Parlimen DAP bagi Ipoh Timur, Lim Kit Siang.
Mengenai kes kehilangan wang bukti berjumlah RM40,000 dalam peti keselamatan di pejabat BPR Sibu pada September lepas, Ahmad Said berkata, kes itu diserahkan kepada polis untuk siasatan manakala BPR turut menjalankan siasatan dalaman.
"Seorang pegawai (BPR Sibu) yang disyaki terlibat telah pun dipindah ke Kuala Lumpur dan sedang disiasat ," katanya.
Sementara itu, beliau menafikan dakwaan kononnya pemindahan Samsiah ke negeri ini ada kaitan dengan kes berprofil tinggi yang membabitkan tokoh politik di Perak sebaliknya ia merupakan prosedur biasa. -- mStar



KUALA LUMPUR: Peguam Kamarul Hisham Kamaruddin yang mewakili Koperal Sirul Azhar Umar berkata, pihaknya akan mendapatkan keterangan Raja Petra Kamaruddin, yang kini ditahan dibawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA), sebagai saksi kepada anak guamnya.
"Saya ingin mendapatkan keterangan Raja Petra sebagai saksi kerana berdasarkan kenyataannya yang terkandung dalam Akuan Bersumpah beliau sebelum ini mengenai kes ini," katanya ketika ditemui di Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam hari ini.
Menurutnya, secepat mungkin beliau akan menulis surat kepada Mentei Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar bagi mendapatkan kebenaran untuk mendapatkan keterangan Raja Petra.
"Terlebih dahulu mestilah saya akan berhubung dengan peguam beliau (Raja Petra) bagi mendapatkan keizinan.
"Kemudiaan kita akan dapatkan kebenaran daripada menteri," katanya.
Tambah beliau, jika beliau gagal mendapatkan kebenaran tersebut, pihaknya akan memohon mahkamah mengeluarkan sapina untuk membolehkan menemui Raja Petra.
Selain Raja Petra, Kamarul juga menjelaskan pihaknya akan mendapatkan penyiasat persendirian, P. Balasubramaniam sebagai saksi kes ini.
Penganalisis politik, Abdul Razak Abdullah Baginda dibebaskan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi di sini hari ini daripada tuduhan bersubahat membunuh wanita Mongolia Altantuya Shaariibuu.
Bagimanapun, dua anggota polis daripada Unit Tindakan Khas, Cif Inspektor Azilah Hadri, 32, dan Koperal Sirul Azhar Umar, 36, diperintah membela diri terhadap tuduhan itu.
Hakim Datuk Mohd Zaki Md Yasin yang membuat keputusan itu berkata beliau mendapati bahawa pihak pendakwaan gagal membuktikan kes prima facie terhadap Abdul Razak, 48.
Mahkamah menetapkan 10 November ini untuk Azilah dan Sirul Azhar membela diri.
Azilah dan Sirul Azhar mempunyai tiga pilihan untuk membela diri iaitu memberi keterangan bersumpah, memberi keterangan dalam kandang tertuduh atau berdiam diri. Kedua-duanya memilih untuk memberi keterangan bersumpah. -- mStar


Commentary by Leslie Lau
Consultant Editor -
OCT 31 — It does not matter what the grounds are for the acquittal of political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda.
It does not matter that he is now a free man and should enjoy the benefits of being a free man discharged and acquitted of abetting in the murder of his former lover Altantuya Shaariibuu.
Ultimately, today's decision by the Shah Alam High Court leaves more unanswered questions and will only become fodder for the conspiracy theorists.
The fact that the two policemen, Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri and Cpl Sirul Azhar Umar, will continue to face the murder charge will almost certainly ensure many Malaysians will be suspicious of the whole affair.
Regardless of whether it is fair or not, Razak's acquittal will only go further to fuel rumours and speculation about the involvement of Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
That has become the nature of politics in Malaysia.
Razak is, of course, a close associate of Najib.
When the political analyst was first arrested in 2006, Najib was, of course, quite concerned with what was happening to his friend.
The DPM's subsequent involvement with securing legal counsel for Razak has become the subject of recent allegations that he may have interfered in investigations.
A recording of text messages between Najib and prominent lawyer Datuk Shafee Abdullah was published on blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin's Malaysia Today website in what was a clear attempt to tarnish the DPM's name and link him with improper behaviour.
But that was just the latest in a series of hammer blows sustained to the reputation of Najib since the murder in 2006.
It has not helped Najib's reputation that a private investigator made a statutory declaration that Najib knew the murder victim and then retracted it the next day before disappearing.
Doctored photographs and other wild allegations also made their way to the Internet.
In all fairness, Najib has conducted himself with a certain degree of dignity considering the allegations thrown at him.
But two years of mud-slinging and some of it has stuck in the mind of many Malaysians.
This is the thing — you say something often enough, even if it is not true you will start believing it.
As Razak left the court house today he was surrounded by hordes of press photographers and reporters whom he calmly told to move aside so that he could go home.
After nearly two years the ordeal is finally over for him.
But for his close friend Najib, this will be a bitter-sweet moment.
His friend is acquitted, but the acquittal will almost certainly give rise to more allegations against him -- TMI


Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam pagi ini membebaskan penganalisa politik Abdul Razak Abdullah Baginda atas tuduhan membunuh warga Monggolia, Altantuya Shaariibuu.
Dua anggota polis Unit Tindakan Khas (UTK) Cif Inspektor Azilah Hadri, 32 dan Sirul Azhar Umar, 36, diarahkan untuk membela diri atas tuduhan yang sama.


KOTA BAHARU: Ketika syor debat terbuka terus menjadi polemik di kalangan pemimpin Umno sekarang, Pas pula menyambut baik saranan diadakan debat.

Sehubungan itu, Mursyidul Am Pas, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat berharap ia diadakan secara terbuka bagi menilai kemampuan seseorang pemimpin yang akan memerintah negara masa depan. Kata beliau, dalam Islam, forum sedemikian sangat digalakkan kerana memberi peluang kepada rakyat menilai sejauh mana kemampuan seseorang pemimpin, keilmuan serta ketaqwaannya.

"Dalam gerakan Islam kita boleh dan berhak memilih seorang pemimpin sama ada yang bertaqwa kepada Allah, latar belakang serta kemampuan dalam ilmu pengentahuan," kata beliau ketika ditemui selepas Majlis Graduasi Pusat Pembangunan Wanita Kelantan di sini semalam.

Nik Aziz berkata, umat Islam berhak memilih pemimpin berdasarkan latar belakang dan kemampuannya. -- BERNAMA


PETALING JAYA: Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar berkata, keputusan kerajaan untuk menunda pembelian 21 helikopter bagi kegunaan Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) dibuat kira-kira tiga minggu lalu bagi membolehkan peruntukan yang ada untuk tujuan itu digunakan untuk projek-projek yang memberi kesan langsung.

Syed Hamid berkata, cadangan pembelian itu sudah pun berada di peringkat dasar dan diluluskan Kabinet di bawah Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan (RMK-9) dan kini telah ditunda di bawah RMK-10.

Beliau berkata, jika sekalipun kerajaan membuat keputusan untuk menempah helikopter tersebut pada masa ini dan membuat bayaran pendahuluan sebagai tanda pembelian, pembayaran penuh tetap akan dibuat di bawah RMK-10 kerana pembinaan helikopter tersebut mengambil masa dua tahun.

"Justeru, lebih baiklah duit itu (di bawah RMK-9) kita gunakan untuk projek-projek yang memberi kesan langsung," katanya ketika dihubungi mStar Online.

Syed Hamid berkata, ketika mengambil alih Kementerian Dalam Negeri pada Mac lalu, pihaknya telah melihat keperluan untuk membeli 21 helikopter terbabit.

"Bila ada keperluan (membeli helikopter), kita mesti dapatkan harga yang terbaik dan kita bercadang untuk membelinya menerusi tender terbuka.

"Kita tahu tidak banyak syarikat yang membina helikopter mengikut spesifikasi yang kita mahukan ini. Jika kita lakukan tender terbuka nanti, kita akan lihat pakej yang terbaik," katanya.

Penasihat DAP, Lim Kit Siang dalam blognya semalam berkata Dewan Rakyat lewat kelmarin dimaklumkan bahawa pembelian tersebut ditangguhkan.

Pada 12 Ogos lalu, Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Musa Hassan berkata, PDRM akan menambah 21 helikopter bagi meningkatkan kecekapan operasinya terutama di dalam mengawasi perairan negara.

Selasa lalu, kerajaan telah memutuskan untuk menangguhkan pembelian 12 Eurocopter EC-725, yang diumumkan awal bulan lalu bagi menggantikan Nuri, ekoran kesan krisis kewangan yang dihadapi negara. -- mStar Online

30 October 2008


Norman Hakim ditangkap berkhalwat bersama pelakon baru, Memey Suhaiza awal pagi tadi.

Berita lanjut di MSTAR


By Debra Chong

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 29 - The MCA is stepping up its pressure on Umno over the PKNS issue and is now also calling for a review of the Internal Security Act (ISA). Not to be outdone, the Chinese-based Gerakan has also thrown their support behind Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim for appointing a non-Malay as acting general manager of the Selangor State Economic Development Corporation (PKNS).
Gerakan Penang state chairman Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan urged Khalid not to cave in to the intense pressure to rescind the appointment offer to Low Siew Moi as the first female and non-Malay acting general manager of PKNS.

"Although Gerakan and PKR are from opposing camps, we are of the same view as far as this issue is concerned," Teng said in a press statement today. He highlighted the fact that Low had served PKNS for over 30 years, with 11 years spent as the deputy GM. "All those who are opposing the appointment of an experienced, efficient and effective officer to helm PKNS just because she is a lady and a non-Malay, although a true bred Malaysian, is simply unacceptable in this very competitive world," he said.
A day after extending support to its political rivals in the Penang and Selangor state governments, newly-elected MCA leaders are continuing to flex their muscles in what is an attempt to win back public support. The MCA's Legal Bureau today demanded an apology from Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo, the former Selangor Menteri Besar, for making "sensitive, irresponsible statements calculated to sow disunity amongst Malaysians" over the recent appointment of Low.
Khir had apparently said that her appointment undermined the "capabilities of the Malays to run a company like PKNS". "This is a clear and unequivocal violation of Article 8 (2) of the Federal Constitution where it clearly states that there should be 'no discrimination against citizens on the ground only of religion, race, descent, place of birth or gender in appointment of any office or employment under a public authority'. "Such a statement is also an infringement of Section 3(1) (e) of the Sedition Act 1948 for promoting 'feelings of ill will and hostility between different races'," it emphasised in a press statement today.
It censured Khir for going against the spirit of the BN and the intent of the Federal Constitution. It also urged the authorities to take immediate action against him if the apology is not forthcoming. In a separate press statement, Central Committee member Wong Nai Chee echoed the Pakatan Rakyat's calls for a review of the Internal Security Act (ISA).
"The ISA should be amended to empower the judiciary to determine the detention and its length, thus making inroads for judicial intervention, that is, ensuring judicial review for the grounds of the detention, whether the grounds concerned are substantiated according to the spirit of the Act.

Presently, the power rests with the Home Minister," Wong said. -- TMI


By Debra Chong
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 30 - Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak appeared today to welcome debate on the proposed gradual dismantling of NEP-type policies but he would not set a time frame for the process.

Speaking to reporters in Parliament today, he, however, sidestepped a question on whether he thought his proposal would cost him support among the Malay grassroots. Instead, he once again emphasized any move to dismantle elements of the affirmative action policies would be a gradual.

Najib said it would happen at a time "when the Malays are comfortable enough to talk about it," and "as and when it is required." The DPM had said in a recent interview on Bloomberg television that he was ready to gradually end elements of the affirmative action programme "in the not-too-distant future."

In the interview, he had pointed out that "if we do not change, the people will change us". His remarks have sparked off a widespread debate with former PM Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad weighing in recently to say that the time was not the right time yet to end the Bumiputera policy, especially the target of 30 per cent equity in public listed companies.

But in recent days, leaders from Umno's coalition partner MCA have started applying pressure on the government by calling for a review of the 30% ruling, sparking unhappiness from some quarters in Umno. Najib said today that he did not want to give a time frame for his proposal to be implemented, but he indicated that he welcomed debate on the issue. "We should engage on this issue to ensure what is good for all communities," he said. -- TMI


KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 30 - Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi admitted he had made an error when he spoke of the package price of the much-disputed Eurocopter helicopter deal and which had caused an uproar among Opposition lawmakers in Parliament.
Abdullah who is also the Defence Minister said he was informed by officials in the Defence Ministry this morning on his slip.
The correct figure is RM1.604 billion, but he had thought it was RM1.67 billion and had rounded it up to RM1.7 billion.
"I apologise for my mistake," he said.Asked to respond to the opposition's calls for him to explain the price discrepancy inside the Dewan Rakyat, Abdullah said it was unnecessary as he had already announced that the deal would be deferred to a later date.
He pointed out that the price would be renegotiated again as and when the government finally decides to purchase the helicopters.
"This is academic," he said.
Speaking at the same press conference, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak also denied claims that no physical evaluation was conducted on Eurocopter aircraft.
Najib who until last month held the Minister of Defence portfolio emphasised that the Eurocopter EC725 Cougar was not a new or 'experimental' aircraft. He noted that many countries had tested it out, including in combat in Afghanistan.
He said that Royal Malaysian Air Force pilots had tested it in local flight at the Langkawi International Marine Aerospace (Lima) show previously.
Asked to comment on calls by the Opposition for an independent expert panel to evaluate the procurement process, Najib said: "They are making too much a big deal out of it." -- TMI


By Baradan Kuppusamy

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 30 — Tomorrow's verdict on whether the defence will be called in the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder trial will be politically explosive and its ramifications will be felt beyond the four walls of the Shah Alam High Court.
The verdict, whichever way it goes, is set to hang like a dreadful cloud over the nation because of the political consequences and the intense speculation it has already sparked.
It also comes as the Umno election campaign is in full swing and a succession formula is under way where Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is to hand over power to his deputy Datuk Seri Najib Razak by March 2009.
Najib's connection to the characters in the case is seriously denting his image and will cloud the upcoming government he is set to head although he has strenuously denied any connection with the murdered victim.
His swearing on the Quran that he did not know Altantuya, the opposition says, is no excuse for the authorities not to investigate and clear his name before he occupies the country's highest office.
The political impact of the murder, the subsequent trial and the upcoming verdict have had no parallel in the criminal justice system.
Even the trial of Datuk Mokhtar Hashim, the minister charged with murder in the 1980s, pales in political significance compared to the Altantuya case.
One reason is the controversies and simple inconsistencies that have dogged the Altantuya case since Day One.
Some of the key people — the accused, victim, witnesses, prosecutors and even the defence team — have one way or other been linked or connected with the ruling, entrenched political establishment.
Controversies marred the case from the very beginning when the prosecutors were changed at the eleventh hour, when witnesses were not probed for political connections and when key witnesses such as private investigator P. Balakrishnan were not recalled to testify.
PI Bala's fiery sworn testimony accusing Najib of having an affair with Altantuya, the subsequent retraction and the court’s refusal to give legal weight to the incident only added to the cloud surrounding the trial.
After retracting his accusation, PI Bala vanished, leaving a mystery that remains unresolved to this day.
While Abdul Razak Baginda, the political analyst and close confidante of Najib, is facing an abetment charge, Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri and Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar are charged with committing the murder.
They face the death penalty if convicted.
It is left to High Court judge Datuk Mohd Zaki Md Yasin, after a trial lasting 151 days and 84 prosecution witnesses, to decide.
He can free one or all. He can also order one or all to enter their defence.
But the controversies that have dogged the trial will not end with the verdict but will take years, if ever, to die down. -- TMI


KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 30 - The Raja Muda of Perak Raja Nazrin Shah said today that governments should not set down discriminatory laws or policies but must ensure inclusive development through empowerment.
"No segment of society must be disrespected, discredited and disenfranchised," he said in his address at the 21st LawAsia Conference here.He said that no single group in any country should feel their contributions are unrecognized or unwanted.
While the Perak Raja Muda did not specify what laws or which countries he was referring to, his remarks comes amid a roiling debate over the country's "social contract" and the government's pro-Bumiputera affirmative action policies.His advice also comes on the heels of the recent statement by the Rulers Council calling on all parties to stop questioning the social contract between Malays and non-Malays as it would cause unease.
In his speech today, Raja Nazrin called for the abandonment of what he called "the silo mentality where we only look up at what is happening and not beside us at what others are experiencing."He made a case instead for policies which empower through inclusiveness.
"Only with inclusive development through empowerment can societies become strong," he said.The lack of empowerment, he said, would lead to a sense of alienation and hostility that could result in "rash acts of violence." "We cannot morally turn our backs on the fundamental responsibility of ensuring that all stakeholders in our society, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, have a place under the sun."
Among the prerequisites cited by Raja Nazrin for empowerment was for governments to strengthen the rule of law and to ensure greater political participation for citizens as stakeholders.
"It is only when citizens are also stakeholders will there be the widest sense of ownership of problems and challenges," he said. -- TMI


By Debra Chong

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 30 - Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim wants Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to explain fully and in person the exact procurement process of what he calls the Eurocopter scandal. Anwar told reporters in Parliament today that he was horrified to hear the Deputy Defence Minister admit in the Dewan Rakyat that the decision to buy 12 units of the Eurocopter EC725 Cougar to replace the ageing fleet of Nuri helicopters was done without any physicalevaluation, but was based on mere "documents".
"This is not acceptable. This, to my mind, is the most shocking revelation that I've heard about the method of procurement by the Defence Ministry," he said.
"How can you allocate RM1.6 billion to buy Eurocopters presumed to be safe, the best, and state-of-the-art without having a look at the Eurocopters?" he said, while repeatedly emphasising the price.
Anwar had earlier criticised the federal government for making a 'blunder" in releasing two sets of statements and figures over the package price for the Eurocopter deal.
The Defence Ministry had said that the Eurocopters cost RM1.1 billion before the inclusion of additional technical specifications, which would bring the total sum to RM1.6 billion.
Anwar noted that from his experience as a former Finance Minister, there was no need for two statements and two figures.
"If one figure given is a comprehensive and complete figure, we don't need to come back and say the initial figure does not take into consideration this part or that part," he said.
The Permatang Pauh MP said he had filed a motion with the Speaker to discuss the matter in the House and noted that it had been set for next Monday.
"I have made my views known that the only way to deal with something this major is an independent commission of inquiry," he said.
He added that he hoped the Public Accounts Committee would continue its scrutiny into this controversial purchase and counted on his fellow Pakatan Rakyat MPs sitting on the committee to ensure full transparency. -- TMI

JUSTICE CHIN TO QUIT ON DEC 1 - malaysiakini

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 30 — High Court judge Datuk Ian Chin, who dropped a bombshell earlier this year with his explosive claims that former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had threatened judges, has tendered his resignation.
Parliament was told today that Chin handed in his resignation to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong in a letter dated July 16.
“He will step down from Dec 1. At this time, he has started his leave from Aug 1 until Nov 30,” Malaysiakini quoted Deputy Minister in Prime Minister's Department T. Murugiah as telling the House.
Murugiah was replying to a question from Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir (BN-Jerlun) who wanted to know whether action would be taken against the judge for making claims of government interference in the judiciary. A similar question was also posed by Tian Chua (PKR-Batu).
According to Malaysiakini, Murugiah said that since Chin had tendered his resignation, there was no need to take any action against the Kota Kinabalu High Court judge.
Chin, 60, is the most senior judge in the High Court. His resignation comes six years before he is due to retire.
In July, Chin sent shock waves through the legal fraternity when he exposed incidents of executive interference dating back more than 10 years.
The revelations, where he implicated Dr Mahathir and former Chief Justice Tun Eusoff Chin, were made while he was hearing an election petition on July 9, according to the report in Malaysiakini.
Among Chin’s claims was that he and a few judges were sent to a “boot camp” for indoctrination purposes. -- TMI


By Debra Chong

PUTRAJAYA, Oct 30 — The Federal Court here today dismissed Dr Munawar Anees's application for an appeal against his 10-year-old sodomy conviction.
"We have decided that the application should be dismissed. We will give our grounds later," said Chief Justice Tan Sri Zaki Azmi, who led the three-member panel of judges.
Pakistan-born Munawar is a former speechwriter to opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim when the latter was Deputy Prime Minister over a decade ago.
In mid September 1998, Munawar was arrested under the Internal Security Act and later charged in the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court with sodomy alongside Anwar and Anwar's Indonesian adopted brother Sukma Darmawan.
Munawar pleaded guilty, as did Sukma. He was sentenced to six months’ jail, which he served.
Subsequently, he filed an appeal against his conviction on the grounds that his plea of guilty then was obtained through force while detained under the ISA.
His application was thrown out by the KL High Court in September 2003. Meanwhile, Anwar and Sukma were both cleared of the sodomy convictions.
Munawar took up the matter to the Court of Appeal. The matter was dismissed there as well in October last year though no grounds were given then.
The Federal Court was the last legal avenue available for Munawar's application.
The US-based project management consultant, now 60, had been waiting in court since 8.30am for the decision. He appeared dumbfounded by the decision. He rose up and left the courtroom swiftly.
Speaking to reporters on the grand staircase leading to the lobby of the Palace of Justice, he said: "This is a total disappointment. A total denial of justice. The system is playing with the lives of people.
"Where is the justice for me and my family?"
His voice continued to rise as his frustration became more apparent.
"I will not stop. The system has tried to fail me but it will not fail me. If I don't get justice in this country, my children and my grandchildren will stand up for the justice denied to me," Munawar pledged.
Lawyer Mabel Sebastian, who was standing in for Munawar's counsel Manjeet Singh Dhillon to receive the judgment today, said the next step was up to the latter.
Manjeet is away on business abroad and will only return next week. -- TMI


Ramai yang melihat seolah Umno sedang dibaiki dengan memperlihatkan seolah Khairy dan Kem Abdullah hamper Berjaya di ‘flush’ keluar melalui tandas pemilihan kali ini.
Hakikat 1 ; Dr. Mahathir membuat ‘comeback’
Dr. Mahathir sememangnya seorang individu yang bersifat fikiran MAHA. Dia sentiasa mahu berada di atas kekuasaan. Seorang yang amat licik politik. Namanya melonjak apabila tidak melepaskan peluang membelasah Tunku Abdul Rahman ketika Tunku berdepan dengan krisis politiknya. Menghimpin Tun Hussien Onn meletakkan jawatan dalam keadaan terhormat dan kemudian ketika menjadi PM memecat hampir kesemua Timbalanya kecuali Abdullah Badawi.
Setiap kali ada individu yang berpotensi melawannya dalam Umno akan dimangsakan. Semua mangsa beliau tidak mampu melawan malah banyak yang terpaksa menyembahnya semula. Namun perkiraanya terhadap Anwar salah. Anwar dipecat tetapi Anwar diangkat oleh rakyat. Gelombang kebangkitan rakyat telah memaksa Mahathir berhenti pada 2004 dan menyerahkan kuasa kepada Abdullah. Mahathir tahu jika dia terus menjadi PM sudah tentu PRU 2004 BN akan kalah teruk. Mahathir dilihat punca Masalah Negara, amalan korupsi, nepotisme dan kronisme kuat terlebel padanya. Umno yang satu masa dahulu gagah berpayung hampir majority Melayu dibawahnya mula hancur kerana Melayu sudah mula membuka mata. Malah system dan budaya Negara juga hancur kerana penguasaan Negara.
Abdullah dipilih kerana Mahathir melihat Abdullah paling lemah dan mudah di remote. Walaupun pada ketika itu calon favorite mungkin Najib tetapi oleh kerana Najib yang sentiasa mencari jalan selamat masih tidak dipercayai Mahathir. Najib pernah terhutang budi dengan Anwar kerana Anwar menarik Najib dari kem KuLi dan meletakan Najib sebagai Ketua Pemuda Umno.
Malangnya perkiraan Mahathir terhadap Abdullah silap. Abdullah mungkin bodoh-bodoh alang tetapi Mahathir terlupa Kamaludin Abdullah dan Khairy Jamaludin. Peringkat awal Mahathir yakin Abdullah sememang lemah. Contohnya dalam isu pemilihan Timbalan Abdullah kelihatan lebih ‘gemarkan’ Muhiyuddin Yassin tetapi Mahathir secara licik dalam Majlis Perpisahanya telah mengumumkan (bagi pihak Abdullah) Najib sebagai TPM. Pengumuman ini menyebabkan Abdullah sendiri terkejut dan ternganga.
Selepas peristiwa itu nampaknya Abdullah yang lemah sedikit menyedari betapa dia ingin dijadikan boneka oleh Mahathir. Maka Khairy telah dibawa masuk sehingga akhirnya team cerdik pandai lulusan oxford menguasai Tingkat 4 dalam pentadbiran Negara. Manakala nasihat Kamaluddin dijadikan asas banyak tindakan ekonomi sehingga kesempatan ini diambil Kamaluddin menasihatkan bapanya menyerahkan kebanyakan kontrak dan kepentingan ekonomi untuk diuruskan dia dan scominya. Kejayaan PRU 2004 menjadi asas Abdullah mengatakan segala tindakannya dibawah ‘panel penasihat’ Kamaludin dan Khairy adalah yang terbaik.
Mahathir sudah mula menunjukkan kurang senang. Abdullah bertindak luar kawal Mahathir yang memegang remote umpama tiada bateri. Kemuncaknya projek mega kesayangan Mahathir iaitu jambatan bengkok dibatalkan pembinaannya. Mahathir memulakan serangan. Tidak perlu huraian panjang umum telah ketahui bagaimana serangan Mahathir.
Kelemahan Abdullah sendiri tidak dinafikan Umno bercakaran sesama sendiri. Abdullah lemah untuk mengawal media dan jentera kerajaan tidak seperti Mahathir. Malah hujah kononya Abdullah membebaskan Anwar adalah salah. Yang tepatnya ialah Abdullah sememangnya tidak mampu mengawal keputusan hakim seperti yang Mahathir lakukan.
PRU 12 Umno bercakaran teruk. Bn makin lemah diserang Mahathir dari luar. Makin parah kehadiran susuk Anwar mengembeling kebangkitan rakyat. Hasilnya keputusan bersejarah PRU 12. Bn hilang 2/3 penguasaan di parlimen dan 5 negeri gagal dikuasai. Malah ‘engineer’ politik Abdullah Khairy juga hampir tersungkur cuma penipuan menggunakan jentera SPR menyebelahi nasibnya.
Peluang ini diperguna sepenuhnya oleh Mahathir untuk mem ‘flush’ Abdullah dan kuncunya. Digambarkan orang Melayu sedang hilang kuasa. Ini semua kerana kepimpinan Umno yang lemah. Seluruh aparat pro Mahathir melipat gandakan serangan. Pemilihan ini peluang terbaik membuang Abdullah.Maka ketika musim pencalonanan dipenghujung ramai teman Umno melihat Umno dalam pemulihan. Benarkah ? Bukan pemulihan tetapi Umno telah hampir berjaya mem’flush’ Abdullah dan menggantikannya semula dengan dinasti Mahathir atau lebih tepat …… keturuan Tan Sri Noah akan berkuasa.
Tan Sri Noah ialah individu yang menggunakan pengaruhnya mendapatkan tempat bagi Lim Goh Tong membina pusat judi terbesar di genting Highland. Sehingga kini Yayasan Noah memegang kepentingan saham dalam syarikat judi. Keuntungan judi yang tersalur ke Yayasan Noah tidak dicukai dan antara pewarisnya ialah Najib dan Hishamudin.
Sudah lupakah kita dengan gelaran Mahazalim, Mahafiraun…sudah lupakah kita dengan kezaliman Dr.Mahathir menggunakan polis dan semua jentera kerajaan untuk membelasah rakyat yang bangkit menentangnya. Mahathir sanggup meminda perlembagaan Negara…menghina agama, Istana dan bangsa sendiri. Mahathir pencetus krisis kehakiman Negara…
Dan kini Mahathir akan menjadi penasihat terumata kepada Najib dan Muhiyuddin. Kebaikannya ialah selagi kewujudan Mahathir..degree kemungkinan pertembungan Najib dan Muhiyuddin akan dikurangkan. Ini kerana Najib dan Muhiyuddin bukan dari satu team atau lubuk politik. Malah mereka sama level seniority nya … tetapi malangnya sejarah akan berulang Mahathir dibelakang segalanya.

Pertembungan Mukhriz, Khairy

Dalam pertembungan pemuda ramai melihatnya perembungan Mukhriz dank hairy. Kehadiran Khir Toyo mungkin penyemak kerana dia yang gagal mempertahankan Selangor terus tenggelam. Dengan Teresa kok sudah mencangut nyawa politiknya dikerjakan.
Dalam wawancara sebuah akhbar berbahasa inggeris khairy mengatakan yang sebelum bapa mertuanya mengumumkan tidak akan mempertahankan jawatan presiden dia merupakan calon pilihan tetapi selepas itu dia menjadi calon underdog.
Ini benar. Budaya Umno mengampu. Baru Khairy tahu tinggi rendahnya langit. Orang menyampah kepadanya tetapi Cuma takutkan bapa mertuanya. Baru dia kenal erti payah sedikit. Mula dia mengeluh konon dihalang temu perwakilan, melalak ajak Mukhriz berdebat tetapi tak dilayan…. Itupun mujur Khairy masih berduit.
Ini yang berlaku kepada Mukhriz. Pencalonan kepada Mukhriz sebenarnya pencalonan meraikan kerana segankan Najib yang menghantar signal mahukan Mukhriz. Tidak logic Mukhriz mendapat pencalonan kononya kerana susuknya. Dia asing bagi pemuda. Lainlah Mokhzani yang pernah menjadi Bendahari Pemuda. Dikhuatiri Mukhriz hanya dapat pencalonan tetapi undi sulit nanti belum tentu.
Pencalonan yang diperolehi oleh Khairy boleh dikatan yang ‘original’ dan mampu menjadi undi sulit juga kerana ini dari mereka yang benar berani. Orang kata pencalonan beli. Itu mungkin tidak dapat dinafikan… kalau bab tabor banyak bahagian yang ditabur tetapi masih takut nak beri pencalonan kepada Khairy…..maknanya yang beri padanya terima habuan sambil sanggup bersama hadapi ugutan.
Peluang Khir juga sedikit cerah kerana ada juga kemungkinan orang yang amarh dengan Khairy dan sedari bahawa Mukhriz bakal membawa Mahathirisme semula ke dalam Umno akan mencari calon alternative lain. Tetapi beban kekalahan Selangor mungkin lebih kuat menjauhkan Khir dari diundi oleh perwakilan.
Mukhriz ialah penerus legasi Mahathir. Dia orang luar pemuda yang juga tak kenal erti kepayahan perjuangan pemuda di bawah.Bagi cheGuBard melihat perlawanan dalam pemuda ini baru bermula. Jika pemilihan terus kekal bulan Mac 2009 maka kemungkinan semuanya terbalik tidak boleh dinafikan.
Sebagai pimpinan keADILan eloklah rasanya Mukhriz menang kerana Mukhriz tidak agresif dan pemuda akan Umno akan terus hilang jiwa mudanya. Tetapi jika Khairy dia seorang yang idealism, agresif dan berjiwa muda lebih parah lagi jika Khairy berjaya mengikis masalah utamanya bila dibasuh dengan air air flush tetapi masih Berjaya bertahan. Jika dia mampu membuang ego, sombong, tamak dan faham sedikit erti kepayahan rakyat maka maka kemungkinan dia menjadi masalah kepada keADILan nanti, tetapi mampukah Khairy berubah ? Bersambung ………….

29 October 2008


KUALA LUMPUR, 29 Okt (Bernama) -- Penasihat DAP Lim Kit Siang hari ini menggesa Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Wang Awam (PAC) Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid supaya menarik diri daripada inkuiri terhadap urusan melibatkan Eurocopter.
Lim, yang juga Anggota Parlimen Ipoh Timur berkata beliau membuat gesaan itu memandangkan Azmi menganggotai Kabinet yang membuat keputusan untuk menggantikan helikopter Nuri dengan pesawat jenis baru pada 18 Julai 2007.
"Inilah apa yang saya panggil khalwat politik...Saya fikir beliau patut biarkan timbalan pengerusi Tan Seng Giaw mengambil alih tugas itu," katanya kepada pemberita di ruang legar Parlimen di sini.
Lim juga berkata PAC sepatutnya menjalankan siasatan penuh terhadap kejadian nahas helikopter Nuri sejak 40 tahun lepas bagi mengetahui kenapa kadarnya begitu tinggi berbanding di negara lain.
Kata Lim, beliau gembira apabila Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi meminta PAC meneruskan siasatannya terhadap urusan melibatkan Eurocopter.-- BERNAMA





SHAH ALAM, Oct 29 - The Selangor Pas will propose two corporate figures for the post of Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS) general manager, deputy state Pas commissioner Iskandar Abdul Samad said today.
Iskandar said the names of the two men, both bumiputeras with suitable capabilities and experience, would be submitted to Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim soon.
He, however, refused to name the two, saying: "They are not necessarily from PKNS."
The PKNS general manager's position has become the subject of controversy after Khalid appointed PKNS deputy general manager for corporate development Low Siew Moi as acting general manager.
The appointment has upset PKNS staff and both Umno and Pas politicians, who want a bumiputera to fill the post. They claim that Low's appointment is contrary to PKNS' objective of uplifting the socioeconomic status of the bumiputera in the state. - Bernama


By Adib Zalkapli
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 29 – Bar Council president Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan made an impassioned plea today to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi to abolish the Internal Security Act before he leaves office next year.
"Prime Minister, while it may still be in your means to do so, and as a historic legacy to this nation that both you and I love, I ask you, on behalf of all right thinking Malaysians and on behalf of the legal fraternity of Malaysia, to move to abolish the ISA," Ambiga said in her speech at the opening of the 21st Lawasia Conference here.
She said the enforcement of the ISA had diverted from the original intention for which it was enacted.
"One can see how far we have strayed from the original intent of the ISA when a blogger, a politician, a journalist and a civil society organiser can, independently of each other, be seen as threats to national security," said Ambiga referring to recent ISA arrests.
In September, blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin, lawmaker Teresa Kok and Sin Chew Daily journalist Tan Hoon Cheng,were arrested under the ISA. Tan was released less than 24 hours later and Kok was released after one week. Raja Petra is currently is serving a two-year detention order.
Abdullah, however, was non committal when responding to Ambiga's appeal, but hinted that the law will not be abolished.
"I am happy to hear that she raised this issue without fear or favour. As the Home Minister, I have discharged my responsibility without fear or favour," said Abdullah in his keynote address.
Late last year, Abdullah as the Home Minister ordered the detention of five Hindraf leaders after they led a street protest in Kuala Lumpur demanding the government stop discriminating against the Indian community.
On his pledge to reform the judiciary, Abdullah said the plan to form the Judicial Appointment Commission is on track.
"Work on the relevant legislation is progressing well and the government aims to table the relevant legislation to establish the commission by the end of the year," he added. -- TMI


KOTA BAHARU, 29 Okt (Bernama) -- Kerajaan Kelantan menafikan dakwaan wakil Barisan Nasional (BN) bahawa program Ladang Rakyat telah melibatkan penggunaan hutan simpan yang hasil balaknya sebelum itu digunakan bagi tujuan membayar dividen kepada lebih 4,000 pesertanya.Timbalan Menteri Besar, Datuk Ahmad Yakob berkata sebaliknya penggunaan ladang itu membabitkan kawasan tanah kerajaan yang lain dan dividen itu diberikan melalui bayaran tahunan syarikat swasta yang terbabit mengusahakan kawasan ladang itu.
"Ini tidak benar sama sekali program Ladang Rakyat ini telah melibatkan kawasan hutan simpan dan hasil balaknya kini gunakan untuk membayar dividen. Ini tidak benar," katanya ketika menggulung perbahasan Enakmen Perbekalan 2009 (Bajet 2009) kerajaan negeri di Persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri di sini, Rabu.
Isu Ladang Rakyat itu ditimbulkan timbalan ketua pembangkang, Datuk Noor Zahidi Omar (BN-Pengkalan Kubor) yang sangsi dengan program itu dan mendakwa ladang itu telah membabitkan kawasan hutan simpan.Ahmad (PAS-Pasir Pekan) juga menafikan hasil balak ladang itu seperti yang didakwa Noor Zahidi perlu dimasukkan ke dalam akaun wang yang disatukan.
"Sebaliknya wang tahunan itu tidak boleh dimasukkan ke dalam akaun wang yang disatukan kerana ia merupakan entiti program yang berbeza sama sekali. Keputusan mengasingkannya adalah pandangan audit," katanya.
Lebih 4,000 peserta Ladang Rakyat itu menerima dividen bulanan sebanyak RM200 seorang.Sementara itu Ahmad berkata hasil penambahan pegawai dan kakitangan di Pejabat Tanah dan Jajahan sejak tahun lalu dan tahun ini, kerajaan negeri telah berjaya menyelesaikan banyak tunggakan permohonan tanah.
"Tambahan pegawai dan kakitangan ini disebabkan pengstrukturan semula pengurusan pejabat tanah di seluruh negara bagi mengurangkan tunggakan permohonan yang begitu tinggi," katanya.
Menurutnya kerajaan negeri telah berjaya memungut hasil tanah melebihi RM20 juta sepanjang tahun ini berbanding lebih RM13 juta pada tahun sebelumnya.Dewan kemudiannya meluluskan Enakmen Perbekalan 2009 (Bajet 2009) dan persidangan ditangguhkan kepada satu tarikh lain.-- BERNAMA


KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 29 - The Shah Alam High Court will be the centre of attention this Friday when judge Datuk Mohd Zaki Md Yasin delivers the verdict on the sensational Altantuya Shaariibuu murder trial.
Mohd Zaki’s verdict will not only decide the fate of the three accused - Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri and Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar, both members of the Special Action Unit (UTK) and renowned political analyst and strategist Abdul Razak Abdullah Baginda - but also end wild speculations and rumours relating to the case.
Altantuya's gruesome murder, she was killed and her body blown up with explosives to cover up the crime, has spawned numerous speculations and conspiracy theories. There have been rumours of a prominent political figure and his wife being linked to the murder, revelations of an intimate affair of one of the accused with the victim and shady business dealings.
The trial has gone on for almost two years with the prosecution winding up their case on June 23. If the court decides that there is a prima facie against the trio, they will have to make their defence, otherwise they will be discharged and freed.
When asked by Bernama on the sidelines of the court proceedings what they would do if they were freed, Azilah, 32, who has an adopted child, said that “there are too many things to do, but above all I want to cuddle my child and hold a thanksgiving feast”. Sirul Azhar, 36, offered a smile, typical of this former bodyguard of VIPs who is known to be discreet. On the dock he sits quietly, turning once in a while toward the members of the media sitting behind him to ask for sweets and pickled fruits.
Abdul Razak, 48, the executive director of the Malaysian Strategic Research Centre, wants to take a break overseas with his only daughter Rowena if he is set free.
Throughout the trial, Abdul Razak was accompanied by his wife Mazlinda Makhzan, his parents and close family members. However, at the initial stages, Mazlinda’s presence made Altantuya’s father, Shaariibuu Setev frown as he claimed she had verbally abused him and court officiers had to keep them apart.
When asked about the fate of her husband, Mazlinda replied: “I leave it to Allah. Razak is innocent.” That decision is, of course, in the hands of the judge.
The 151-day proceeding witnessed many bizarre and hilarious incidents. Apart from this there was also a change in the presiding judge and a clash between two counsels on who should be representing one of the accused.
Abdul Razak caught the attention of the media with some of his antics in the courtroom. He threw tantrums and even went to the extent of kicking the dock and cursing people. He kept pushing his counsel Wong Kian Kheong to speed up the trial without any deferment and this incensed Deputy Public Prosecutor Tun Abdul Majid Tun Hamzah who ticked off Wong by saying that Abdul Razak was not the only person in prison.
Azilah and Sirul Azhar, who always had their faces covered, set a new trend for accused in other cases. When asked why they did so, Azilah said: “Life is long way to go, there are some things best kept secret.”
Azilah and Sirul Azhar were alleged to have murdered Altantuya between Lot 12843 and Lot 16735 Mukim Bukit Raja, Shah Alam, between 10pm, Oct 19, and 1am, Oct 20, 2006. The duo were well versed in the use of explosives and are said to have taken the plastic explosives, detonator cord and CLC (cutting liner charge) from the UTK storeroom.
Abdul Razak, who is alleged to have abetted the two UTK members, is said to have committed the crime on Oct 18, 2006, at his office at 10th Floor, Bangunan Lembaga Getah Asli Malaysia (LGAM), Jalan Ampang in Kuala Lumpur. The motive for the murder is said to be due to demands and threats from Altantuya, a Mongolian national..
Based on the evidence adduced from prosecution witness Deputy Superintendent Muhammad Koey Abdullah, the explosives were probably placed in the victim’s mouth or the upper torso and the impact reduced her bones to fragments.
On why no traces of the victim’s clothing was found, Dr Mohd Shah Mahmood, the Head of the Forensic Medical Department at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital (HKL), explained the victim was probably stripped of her clothing before being blown up.
However, lawyers J. Kuldeep Kumar and Datuk Hazman Ahmad, who represent Azilah, insisted that their client was no way involved in the murder and that Azilah was not the one who led the police to the crime scene.
Sirul Azhar’s counsel Kamarul Hisham Kamaruddin, Hasnal Redzua Marican and Ahmad Zaidi Zainal pleaded their client’s innocence stating that he was victimised just because Altantuya’s jewellery were found in his home. On Atlantuya’s blood stained sneakers found in Sirul Azhar’s four-wheel drive, they claimed anyone could have left it there as the vehicle could be accessed by others as well.
Wong, who represents Abdul Razak, held that his client had nothing to do with Altantuya’s murder and there was no proof that the murder was carried out under Abdul Razak’s behest. He also questioned the failure of the prosecution to call several senior police officers during the trial.
Mohd Zaki will make his decision based on the evidence provided by the 84 witnesses that has been compiled into 6,000 pages of proceeding notes.
Prior to delivering the decision on the main charge, Mohd Zaki is expected to decide on the prosecution’s application to challenge the credibility of Lans Corporal Rohaniza Roslan (Azilah’s girlfriend), the decision on the trial-within-a-trial on Altantuya’s jewellery found in Sirul Azhar’s home, and on the statement by police that Azilah led them to the crime scene.
The entire nation awaits his judgment. - Bernama


SHAH ALAM, Oct 29 - The Selangor State Assembly which ended its sitting today, approved a motion to censure Sungai Panjang assemblyman Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo for making false statements about Kinrara assemblywoman Teresa Kok.

The motion proposed by Ng Suee Lim (DAP-Sekinchan) said the former Selangor menteri besar had made statements that Kok, who is a also a state senior executive councillor, had led protests over the volume of the azan (Muslim prayer call) at mosques in Puchong and Kota Damansara.

The motion also took to task the Utusan Malaysia newspaper for publishing false news and articles of a racist nature targeting Kok on Sept 10, Oct 12 and Oct 17.

Ng said the false statements by Khir caused Kok to be detained under the Internal Security Act on Sept 12.

He added that Khir’s agenda in the matter was to discourage investors from coming to Selangor and was a planned conspiracy to paint Kok as anti-Islam and anti-Malay.

Ng demanded that Khir make a public apology to Kok and Malaysians at large, and particularly in Selangor, for making the false statements.

Speaking to reporters after the assembly sitting, Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said the state government would not take any further action against Khir regarding the matter as Kok was pursuing redress through the courts.

He said no opposition assemblymen, including Khir, were present in the assembly when the motion was carried. - Bernama


By Debra Chong

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 29 - In a surprising turn, the MCA today voiced its support for their political opponents over the use of multi-lingual signboards in the DAP-led Penang state and the appointment of Low Siew Moi as the acting General Manager of the Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS).

The party's support for the Pakatan Rakyat governments in Penang and Selangor will certainly put it on a collision course with Umno. Party vice-president Liow Tiong Lai has already come under heavy fire for suggesting the scrapping of the 30 per cent bumiputera equity requirement.

Today, MCA Youth chief Datuk Wee Ka Siong expressed his disagreement with his Barisan Nasional (BN) colleagues, notably Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Utama Dr Rais Yatim who said that Penang only needssignboards in the national language and in English.

He also criticised a University of Malaya professor, Datuk Dr Zainal Kling, who had urged the authorities to charge the state government under the Sedition Act for daring to put up signboards in other languages.

"If we still carry on with a conservative mindset in issuing such statements, it will not help the country in attracting foreign tourists," Wee said in a press statement today, drawing parallels between Penang's multi-lingual signboards and the multi-lingual signboards posted at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

In a separate press statement, Wanita MCA chief Chew Mei Fun urged Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim to remain steadfast in appointing Low as the acting General Manager of PKNS.

"Even though I share a different political ideology with Tan Sri Khalid, I believe in the Selangor Menteri Besar's trust and confidence in women's capabilities to helm PKNS," she said.

Chew took to task the former Selangor MB Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo and state Pas commissioner Datuk Dr Hassan Mohamed Ali for disparaging Low's qualification based on her gender and ethnicity.

"The behaviour of these two leaders, who questioned and prejudiced the capabilities of women, will not increase the country's competitiveness and encourage economic growth," she said.

"In this globalised world, the appointment of top government posts should not be based on skin colour or gender. Those with capabilities and who are able to perform should be given the opportunity to serve," sheemphasised.

"At the end of the day, Malaysia will experience a brain drain with more and more talented professionals leaving for other countries to seek work and pursue their ambitions." -- TMI



21 years after Operasi Lalang, ISA still a political tool for the Government
We, the People, want it thrown away once and for all!

27 October 2008 marks 21 years since the infamous Operasi Lalang. The operation, which was carried out on 27 October 1987 by the Malaysian government to crack down on opposition leaders and social activists, saw the arrests of 106 persons under the Internal Security Act (ISA) and the revoking of the publishing licenses of two dailies, The Star and the Sin Chew Jit Poh and two weeklies, The Sunday Star and Watan.

Today, the ISA is still being used extensively and threatened to be invoked to curb the activities and fundamental freedoms of political leaders, social activists, journalists, and more recently, bloggers. The arrests of Raja Petra Kamaruddin, Teresa Kok, Tan Hoon Cheng and most recently, Cheng Lee Whee under the ISA and a number of other incidents indicates that Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi, whom has pledged to use his remaining five months to reform the judiciary, the police and the ACA, will instead end up putting more people behind bars and further curbing fundamental civil liberties.

Since Abdullah Badawi came to power in 2003, the ISA has continued to be used in the same way his predecessors did, in the name of “national security”, often invoked upon people deemed to be critical of the government. The list of people detained under the ISA during the period of Abdullah Badawi’s premiership range from persons spreading rumours through SMS to political dissidents and alleged “terrorists.” In recent years, the government has created a climate of fear through the use of the ISA by threatening to invoke it upon bloggers who allegedly write inflammatory statements and upon those who participate in street demonstrations. This was stepped up in the run-up to the 2008 Election, and has continued until now to prop up the ruling party’s weakened hold on power.

The Abolish ISA Movement (Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA, GMI)’s monitoring reveals that there are currently 66 detainees in the Kamunting Detention Camp. 10 individuals have been arrested under the ISA from January until October. Three out of ten have been released after few hours or few days of detention (Teresa Kok, Tan Hoon Cheng and Cheng Lee Wee).

Most of the detainees are alleged members of “religious extremist groups” including the Jemaah Islamiah (JI), while another significant number comprises those allegedly involved in counterfeiting currency or falsifying documents, Hindu Rights Action Force (HINDRAF) activists and also blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin. 6 detainees have been detained for more than 7 years under the ISA. To date, none of the detainees have been charged with any offence in an open court. More than half of them are into their second detention order and out of that number, 24 are serving their sixth or even seventh year in detention.

We have a vast array of laws which provide an adequate legal framework to deal with alleged threats against national security without contravening universally accepted principles of justice and human rights. Why, therefore, is the ISA still used by the Malaysian government?

GMI, in existence for more than seven years, has succeeded, through its many programmes, in raising public awareness about the injustice and cruelty of the ISA. It has also been able to put continuous pressure on the government by lobbying at home and abroad. As part of an intensive programme in conjunction with the seventh year of detention of a number of current detainees, GMI has produced several new books and pamphlets which have been distributed throughout the country.

In commemorating the 21 years since the Operasi Lalang, GMI once more urges the Government of Malaysia:

· To immediately and unconditionally release all persons presently detained without trial, and, where appropriate, to prosecute them in a public and fair trial.

· To immediately repeal all laws which allow for detention without trial, such as the ISA, the Emergency Ordinance (EO) and the Dangerous Drugs (Special Preventive Measures) Act.

· To immediately close all detention camps where detainees are held without trial.

· To apologize to all detainees held without trial (past and present), and provide compensation for their suffering and anguish and the injustices perpetrated upon them.

· To investigate all complaints and cases of victimization, torture, cruel, degrading and inhuman treatment, tyranny and abuse of power in relation to past and present detentions, and to prosecute the perpetrators including, but not limited to, establishing a Royal Commission of Inquiry for the said purpose.

· To immediately debate SUHAKAM’s reports in Parliament and implement its recommendations.

Released by
Nalini E.

GMI Secretariat

Sumber : iwfrpk.blogspot


By Debra Chong
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 29 - The DAP wants Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi back in the Dewan Rakyat to explain the discrepancies in the figures over the controversial Eurocopter helicopter contract even though the deal has been called off.

DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang told reporters in Parliament this morning that while he was glad that the PM had ordered the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) to continue with its investigations into the military purchase scandal, Abdullah himself as the Defence Minister shouldclear the air over the vastly different figures.

Lim said Abdullah may have been wrongly advised over the total sum for the 12 units of the Eurocopter EC725 Cougar which the Defence Ministry had disclosed late in August. He noted that the latest figures had been grossly changed from the initial report of RM2.3 billion.Referring to several newspaper articles, he observed that the figures reported for the tender was initially set at RM1.1 billion but became RM1.7 billion.

"How did this RM1.1 billion tender mushroom to become RM1.7 billion before the award?" the Ipoh Timur MP queried.

"It is an increase of RM600 million which is a gargantuan sum," he said.

Lim added that Abdullah needed to make transparent the entire due process of the purchase procedure as the Defence Ministry's secretary-general Datuk Abu Bakar Abdullah had earlier been reported as saying the Eurocopter contract was awarded based on it clearing allthree aspects, that is, technical evaluation, the offset package and its pricing.

"I think these are things the Prime Minister must come to the House to explain and PAC must investigate," Lim said.

He also urged the PAC chairman, Datuk Azmi Khalid, to pull out from the current investigation over the helicopter deal.

Lim alleged that Azmi might be prejudiced due to his "close proximity" as a member of Abdullah's Cabinet and had played a role in the decision-making process over the particular helicopter deal.

Lim asked that Tan Seng Giaw as deputy chair replace Azmi in heading this particular PAC investigation. -- TMI


KOTA BAHARU, 29 Okt (Bernama) -- Kerajaan negeri pimpinan PAS membayar RM204 juta hutang kepada kerajaan pusat sejak 1990, persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri diberitahu.
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Perancangan Ekonomi, Kewangan dan Kebajikan Negeri, Datuk Husam Musa berkata hutang pada 1990 adalah sebanyak RM718 juta.
"Kerajaan negeri membayar kira-kira RM11 juta hutang setiap tahun dan kini jumlah hutang yang tinggal adalah RM514 juta sahaja lagi."Ini adalah satu prestasi yang sangat membanggakan," katanya menjawab soalan Datuk Noor Zahidi Omar (BN-Pengkalan Kubor).

Husam berkata hutang badan berkanun kerajaan negeri pula kini adalah sebanyak RM208 juta berbanding RM572 juta pada 1990.Beliau berkata hutang kerajaan negeri bagaimanapun tidak termasuk pinjaman bekalan air yang diterima sebanyak RM331 juta.

Menjawab soalan ketua pembangkang Datuk Md Alwi Che Ahmad (BN-Kok Lanas), Husam berkata jumlah penduduk miskin tegar di seluruh Kelantan kini mengikut Jabatan Perangkaan adalah seramai 3,864 orang.

Beliau berkata bagaimanapun jumlahnya mungkin lebih ramai berikutan kenaikan kos sara hidup ketika ini.Husam juga memberitahu bahawa kerajaan negeri menerima permohonan daripada Syarikat Trans Nusantara Petroleum bagi membina laluan paip gas dari Bagan Serai, Perak ke Bachok.

Menjawab soalan Abdullah Ya'kub (PAS-Air Lanas), beliau berkata syarikat itu berminat untuk menjadikan Jeli dan Bachok sebagai tempat penyimpanan dan pendaratan gas.Kerajaan negeri masih mengkaji permohonan syarikat berkenaan, katanya.-- BERNAMA


Pak Lah semalam telah mengumumkan bahawa kerajaan telah membatalkan hasrat untuk membeli Eurocopter. Tindakan ini diambil sehari sebelum PAC (Jawatankuasa Kira-Kira Wang Negara) memulakan siasatan keatas apa yang di katakan penyelewengan bersabit dengan pembeliaan ini.

Pelbagai pihak termasuk dari parti-parti pembangkang mahukan ianya disiasat. Nama-nama seperti Najib, Rosmah (isteri Najib) termasuk Pak Lah dikatakan terlibat dalam penyelewengan Eurocopter ini.


1. Kenapa pembeliaan ini dibatalkan sehari sebelum PAC memulakan siasatannya? Adakah Pak Lah cuba menutup sesuatu dari diketahui ramai?

Kronologi Pembelian Eurocopter

18 Julai 2007 - Kerajaan melalui mesyuarat Kabinet memutuskan untuk membuat perolehan bagi menggantikan pesawat Nuri.

3 September 2008 - Kementerian Pertahanan menerima keputusan dan persetujuan daripada Kementerian Kewangan untuk memilih tender Eurocopter, pesawat milik Eurocopter Malaysia Sdn Bhd, anak syarikat European Aeronautic Defence and Space Co (EADS). Kementerian itu mengeluarkan Surat Hasrat kepada Eurocopter pada 15 September 2008.

26 September 2008 - Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mengumumkan Eurocopter memperoleh kontrak untuk membekalkan pesawat baru bagi menggantikan penggunaan Nuri.

13 Oktober 2008 - Panglima Angkatan Tentera, Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Zainal memberitahu Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) akan membeli kumpulan pertama lapan hingga 10 helikopter keluaran Eurocopter EC725 bagi menggantikan pesawat Nuri secara berperingkat.

13 Oktober 2008 - Ketua Pembangkang membangkitkan isu pembelian Eurocopter di Dewan Rakyat, didakwa dibeli dengan harga yang begitu tinggi dan memberi keuntungan kepada pihak-pihak tertentu.

19 Oktober 2008 - Kabinet bersetuju pembelian helikopter Eurocopter EC725 bagi menggantikan Nuri yang dipertikaikan pihak tertentu diperhalusi Jawatankuasa Kira-Kira Wang Negara (PAC).

19 Oktober 2008 - Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak mempertahankan kewajaran Kementerian Pertahanan dalam pembelian Eurocopter EC725, sambil menegaskan tidak ada sebarang penyelewengan dalam urusan dengan syarikat pembekal.

20 Oktober 2008 - Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK) PKR membuat laporan polis berkaitan penyelewengan wang yang didakwa mereka berlaku dalam pembelian Eurocopter EC725.

24 Oktober 2008 - Badan Pencegah Rasuah (BPR) memberitahu akan meneliti laporan berhubung dakwaan berlaku penyelewengan dalam proses pembelian helikopter Eurocopter.

28 Oktober 2008 - Perdana Menteri mengumumkan keputusan kerajaan menangguhkan pembelian tersebut

Sumber: mStar

Artikel lain bersabit EUROCOPTER DI SINI


KUALA LUMPUR, 29 Okt (Bernama) -- Umno harus membasmi segera budaya politik wang bagi mengelakkan rakyat daripada terus bosan dengan kelakuan-kelakuan pemimpin, kata bekas Presiden Umno Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

"Kalau dalam keadaan sekarang ini budaya politik wang itu masih tidak ditukar di kalangan pemimpin-pemimpin, saya khuatir pengundi akan merasa bosan dengan kelakuan mereka yang menjadi pemimpin kerana sogokan wang," katanya ketika ditemubual dalam Astro Awani di sini malam Selasa.

Bekas Perdana Menteri itu berkata Umno juga perlu mempunyai badan penasihat yang tidak mempunyai apa-apa kepentingan bagi memastikan proses penjenamaan semula parti itu berjalan lancar."Kalau mereka menjadi badan penasihat tetapi mereka guna pengaruh mereka untuk mendapat sesuatu untuk diri mereka, di sini terdapat konflik dan nasihat yang diberi mungkin tidak baik, tetapi jika kita ada satu badan yang bebas daripada kepentingan diri maka mereka boleh beri nasihat yang baik," katanya.

Dr Mahathir berkata bagi memulih semula kekuatan Umno dan memancing kembali pengundi di lima buah negeri yang ditawan pembangkang, parti komponen Barisan Nasional (BN) harus bersatu kembali serta tidak berbalah sesama sendiri.

"Jika mereka terus berkelahi sesama mereka, tidak ada faedah, sebenarnya prestasi BN dalam pilihan raya 8 Mac lalu, bukan saja Umno yang teruk malahan Gerakan, MIC, MCA, semuanya sudah hampir hancur, jika nak kuatkan balik BN, masing-masing kena turun padang, bekerja kuat, mendekatkan diri dengan rakyat dan menunjukkan teladan yang baik, " katanya.-- BERNAMA

28 October 2008


By Leslie Lau
Consultant Editor

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 28 - Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said tonight that the nationalistic struggle for race, religion and country has now been replaced by a culture of "what's in it for me?''

Speaking on satellite television channel Astro Awani, the former Prime Minister also pointed out that younger, academically qualified Malays were now shunning Umno and choosing to join Pas instead.

"The younger generation is being blocked from rising up in the party. Branch leaders are blocking those who are more qualified," he said.

That, he said, was why there was not much of a choice in the slate of candidates for the upcoming party polls.

"There is only one candidate for the presidency. There is one other but he has not received any support.

"As for others, they are either not very capable or they have tainted backgrounds," said Dr Mahathir.

The former Umno president also lamented the prevailing culture of money politics in Umno.
He said Malays who have become sucessful in business clamour to join Umno so that they will gain a certain status, and that is why money is being used in securing positions.

"It used to be under the table, but now it is practised openly.

"The voters (in Umno) are also asking for money, so from the struggle of race, religion and country, it is now a 'what's in it for me' culture," he said.

He pointed out that if Umno does not get rid of the culture of money politics, it may one day find itself no longer in power.

Dr Mahathir also dismissed claims that the political landscape had changed as evidenced by the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition losing its two-thirds majority in the general election.

He said BN's poor results were due to a weak leadership, in a pointed reference to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi.

"I feel not much has changed. People are just dissatisfied with the current leadership.
"People say that the voters are seeking more freedom or have a more liberal attitude. That is not true because most voters are from the rural areas and they are not clamouring for things like human rights." -- TMI


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