Gempa bumi yang berlaku adalah yang terburuk pernah dialami Jepun dalam tempoh 140 tahun. Gempa bumi sekuat 8.9 pada skala Ritcher itu telah mengakibatkan tsunami besar sehingga 10 meter di bahagian timur Jepun. 4.4 juta rumah telah terputus bekalan eletrik. Sebuah kapal dengan 100 penumpang telah dihanyutkan. Beberapa buah hotel turut runtuh.
Kerajaan Jepun telah mengisytiharkan darurat disekitar loji nuklear Fukushima. Dalam pada itu, 100 rakyat Malaysia dikawasan ini diberitakan selamat. Kejadian ini mirip kepada gempa dan tsumi yang telah melanda Acheh pada 2004.
Sebuah pesawat MAS yang sepatutnya ke Jepun telah dilencongkan ke Taiwan.
Berita lanjut menyusul
Kerajaan Jepun telah mengisytiharkan darurat disekitar loji nuklear Fukushima. Dalam pada itu, 100 rakyat Malaysia dikawasan ini diberitakan selamat. Kejadian ini mirip kepada gempa dan tsumi yang telah melanda Acheh pada 2004.
Sebuah pesawat MAS yang sepatutnya ke Jepun telah dilencongkan ke Taiwan.
Berita lanjut menyusul

Tokyo — Kawasan pantai timur laut Jepun dilanda tsunami enam meter susulan gempa bumi besar pada ukuran 8.8.
Dilaporkan sehingga kini beratus-ratus orang terbuh dan akan meningkat
Dua minggu lalu New Zealand berhadapan dengan gempa bumi terburuk dengan menyebabkan lebih 100 orang terbunuh.
Siaran televisyen menunjukkan kereta, kapal dan bangunan di kawasan Fukushima, kira-kira 400 kilometer dari Tokyo, dibawa arus tsunami.
Pegawai-pegawai berkata kawasan itu dilanda tsunami setinggi enam meter (20 kaki).Amaran tsunami juga dikeluarkan di Rusia, Filipina, Taiwan, Hawaii, dan Indonesia.
Ekoran gempa bumi sekitar yang berlaku sekitar pukul 1.46 tengah hari tadi, agensi berita Kyodo melaporkan lapangan terbang Narita turut ditutup.Lapangan terbang Sendai juga berhadapan dengan tsunami.
Sebuah kapal besar “disapu” ketika tsunami mengalir ke arah bandar raya Kesennuma di wilayah Miyagi, demikian menurut NHK.
Satu lagi siaran televisyen menunjukkan terjadi kebakaran di kawasan industri Isogo di Yokohama.Kebakaran juga dilaporkan di bandar raya Sendai.
Bandar raya juga dilanda tsunami kecil manakala sebuah jejantas turut musnah dalam kejadian terbaru ini. Pegawai-pegawai sedang menilai kemusnahan dibawa oleh tsunami dan gempa bumi
REUTERS - More than 45 countries have offered to help Japan deal with Friday's devastating earthquake and tsunami, the United Nations said.
Following is a list of aid offers.
Stranded people rest at a school which has been converted as a temporary shelter after transportation was suspended after the earthquake hit, in Tokyo March 11, 2011. (REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon)
* U.S. President Barack Obama sent condolences to the people of Japan and said the United States would provide any help its close ally needed.
* U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said the military was willing to do "anything we are asked to do to help out." The Pentagon positioned at least six Navy ships for earthquake and tsunami relief.
* Some 68 search and rescue teams from 45 countries were on standby, but the United Nations was awaiting a green light from authorities in Japan to deploy, said Elisabeth Byrs of the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told reporters that the world body was ready to help Japan in any way necessary, including humanitarian assistance, and was closely monitoring the aftershocks throughout the day.
* South Korea is initially sending 40 emergency rescue officials who are on standby to fly in by government plane when they get clearance, its foreign ministry said.
* The Russian emergency services agency ERMACOM offered 40 people with three sniffer dogs.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said Russia was "ready to offer Japan all possible aid to cope with the aftermath of this tragedy."
* Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said Beijing was ready to provide Japan with necessary assistance to deal with the aftermath of the devastating natural disaster, the official Xinhua news agency reported.
* Thailand will offer 5 million baht ($165,000) aid to Japan and will consider giving more when the extent of the damage is known, Thai Foreign Ministry spokesman Thani Thongpakdi said.
* Singapore has civil defense forces on standby.
* Poland offered firefighters.
* Switzerland offered rescue teams.
* France said they were ready to offer whatever help was required.
* British Foreign Secretary William Hague said Britain was in contact with the Japanese government and he has asked the country's ambassador in Tokyo to offer all assistance. ($1=30.37 Baht)
(Reporting by Reuters bureaux, compiled by Asia Desk)
Copyright © 2011 Reuters
Following is a list of aid offers.
Stranded people rest at a school which has been converted as a temporary shelter after transportation was suspended after the earthquake hit, in Tokyo March 11, 2011. (REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon)
* U.S. President Barack Obama sent condolences to the people of Japan and said the United States would provide any help its close ally needed.
* U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said the military was willing to do "anything we are asked to do to help out." The Pentagon positioned at least six Navy ships for earthquake and tsunami relief.
* Some 68 search and rescue teams from 45 countries were on standby, but the United Nations was awaiting a green light from authorities in Japan to deploy, said Elisabeth Byrs of the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told reporters that the world body was ready to help Japan in any way necessary, including humanitarian assistance, and was closely monitoring the aftershocks throughout the day.
* South Korea is initially sending 40 emergency rescue officials who are on standby to fly in by government plane when they get clearance, its foreign ministry said.
* The Russian emergency services agency ERMACOM offered 40 people with three sniffer dogs.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said Russia was "ready to offer Japan all possible aid to cope with the aftermath of this tragedy."
* Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said Beijing was ready to provide Japan with necessary assistance to deal with the aftermath of the devastating natural disaster, the official Xinhua news agency reported.
* Thailand will offer 5 million baht ($165,000) aid to Japan and will consider giving more when the extent of the damage is known, Thai Foreign Ministry spokesman Thani Thongpakdi said.
* Singapore has civil defense forces on standby.
* Poland offered firefighters.
* Switzerland offered rescue teams.
* France said they were ready to offer whatever help was required.
* British Foreign Secretary William Hague said Britain was in contact with the Japanese government and he has asked the country's ambassador in Tokyo to offer all assistance. ($1=30.37 Baht)
(Reporting by Reuters bureaux, compiled by Asia Desk)
Copyright © 2011 Reuters
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